My Favorite Social Media Automation Tips (For More Leads + Sales)

Is Social Media Automation The Missing Link 🔗 For Your Business? đŸ€”

Is Social Media Automation The Missing Link 🔗 For Your Business? đŸ€”

Hey Million Dollar Secrets fam, 

Ever felt like you're just a step away from skyrocketing your digital business? Well, today's newsletter might just be that step.

Let's talk about something exciting yet often misunderstood – Social Media Automation. Yep, we're diving into the world of "bots," but not the spammy kind!


I’m SUPER surprised at how many business owners tell me they: 1. Hate posting on social media. 2. Don’t see the need for it in their business. 😬

I get it! Creating content and managing your social media can be a time consuming task, it can be overwhelming at times, and often a bit scary.


What I’ve learned over the past few years is that the reward far outweighs the temporary discomfort.

Once you see what can truly come out of you using social media consistently and correctly, you’ll be hooked forever.

Just to give you an idea of why you should keep reading on
 One of my clients has generated over 3,000 new leads for his business over the past three months using the strategy I’m about to share with you!

Social Media Automation is just one of the tools that my clients use to make the social game easier and more rewarding.

This is how it works
 Imagine having an assistant who never sleeps, always ready to engage with your audience, bring in new leads, and even close sales in your DMs on social. That's what it is!

There are tools like, that can make your job SO EASY
 All you have to to is: hook up the automation tools, create content with specific call to actions, then your automations will trigger and engage with your audience.

Now before you get skeptical on me, just know that it's not about replacing the human touch; it's about amplifying it! Plus, these automation tools lets you focus on what matters most – growing your empire – while handling the grunt work of engagement and lead generation.

Platforms like work by creating automated conversations with your audience. These conversations can be personalized and are designed to guide your leads down the sales funnel. Pair this with viral content, and you've got a recipe for success!


  1. Build A Marketing + Automation Plan: You need to ask yourself the question, “What is my sales process?”. From there, then you can sign up for ManyChat and build out an automation to pull people into that sales funnel. For example, if you’re sales process is for people to book a strategy call with your sales team
 Then, maybe you would build out an automation to message people who engage with your content a link to talk with your team.

  2. Focus On Creating Great Content With A Purpose: You can setup all the automations in the world, BUT if you don’t have content to push people into the automation
 It’s not going to work! You should create a plan on how to create content that will catch the attention of your target audience, then inside that content, have specific call to actions to trigger your new automations. For example, you could make a reel giving value to your audience
 Then, at the end, give a call to action for them to comment a certain word. Once they comment that word, your automated messages or replies would get sent to them!

If you take this seriously and put action to the words above, you could have an abundance of new conversations and new sales everyday for your business.

Remember, creating content is free! All it takes is a little time, a little strategy, and a whole lot of consistency to make this work.

Will you put in the work to make this happen? Reply back and let me know what your thoughts are on automation for your social.

I would love to chat with you and maybe even help you strategize how to use this in your business.

Michael Tucker