Quit Pushing Off Your Social Media Content - I Mean It!

... And how to execute it to the max!

Quit Pushing Off Your Social Media Content - I Mean It!

Hey Million Dollar Secrets fam, 

Ever feel like you're running behind on your content creation game? Do you know you need to create content but you struggle with getting yourself together to actually get it done?

Well, guess what? Today, I'm sharing the exact strategy that I'm using in 2024 to create more social media content (specifically video content because it's the most powerful right now). Imagine having a whole month's worth of content ready to roll in just one day. Sounds too good to be true? It's absolutely possible, and I'm going to show you how.


Step 1: Schedule a content day. Put something on the calendar. You see, the reason most people don't create content for their business is that they aren't intentional about blocking out the time in your calendar. What I want you to do is look at your calendar and see when you're available for one hour straight in the next 7-10 days. Once you find a day and time, I want you to block this off in your calendar so you can make NO EXCUSES!

Step 2: This next step is crucial. Before you arrive at your content day, you need a plan. What I want you to do is brainstorm 15-30 video ideas that resonate with your audience's interests, needs, and what they love watching. This pre-planning ensures your content is targeted, relevant, and irresistibly engaging. You can type out entire scripts for each video or you can just jot down the title of the video with a brief description like I do (so I don't forget later what the video should be about). NOTE: There's a lot that goes into making good content, but make sure you have a great hook and a great call to action in your content. Make sure you plan for those things. SECOND NOTE: If you struggle to find content to talk about, ask Chat GPT or most importantly, ask those who are in your target audience (via a survey, social media, etc).

Step 3: It's recording day! Set aside 1 hour and get those videos knocked out. Remember, this is supposed to be fun. Let your personality shine through, and don't stress the small stuff. If you need a break, take it. Your best work comes when you're relaxed and enjoying the process. Oh! And I wanted to mention this. You can use a camera, a tripod, and a good microphone. But if you do not have that equipment... No worries! Your smartphone is more than enough to get the job done. NOTE: I recommend you have a list of all of your videos and in what order you recorded so that it makes finding videos and editing easier later.

Step 4:  Edit those bad boys! Now you may not be a pro video editor so what I used to do is use AI apps like Vidyo.ai and a few other of those apps that allow you to upload the raw footage and with just a click of a button, it will edit your videos into reels for you! Now, those apps are perfect so if you want to take your game to the next level. I hire people to edit the videos for me. This is a bit of investment, but it saves me SO much time.

Step 5: Once the videos get edited, let's get them scheduled! The cool thing about social media platforms nowadays, you can schedule posts ahead of time! For example, Instagram has a feature where you can schedule images and videos ahead of time. You used to be able to have to use third-party apps to schedule but a lot of these platforms are making it super easy to get this done inside the apps themselves. So take some time and schedule these so you don't have to worry about a thing later on!

So if we total up the the time spent on this
Schedule Content Day - 5 Mins
Plan Your Content - 1 Hour
Shooting Content - 1 Hour
Editing Content With AI - 1-2 Hours
Scheduling - 1 Hour

If you follow that method you can create 30 days of video content in just a little of 5 hours of work. Not bad!

Remember, creating content and scheduling doesn't have to be scary and a big task - we just make it bigger than it actually needs to be.

So, I challenge you, to go ahead and action out the items above!

Let's go!

Michael Tucker