Are Webinars Dead? đŸ˜”

Here’s What To Know (And Implement) In 2024 To Win With Webinars

Are Webinars Dead? đŸ˜” Here’s What To Know (And Implement) In 2024 To Win With Webinars

Hey Million Dollar Secrets fam, 

Webinars in 2024 - are they still the go-to for scaling your online business, or are they a marketing strategy of the past?

It's a question I hear a lot (you know
 because there are TONS of flashy, “new” marketing strategies out there), and as someone who's run hundreds of webinars over the years, I want to break down “the state of webinars”. 👊 

Spoiler alert: Webinars are far from dead.


First things first, let's bust a myth: Webinars are FAR from obsolete. In fact, they are alive and kicking, but here's the catch - they've evolved.

And like any good entrepreneur, if you don't evolve with them, you're missing out on a goldmine.

You see, YEARS ago, webinars were THE THING! People started using social media ads to fill up their online events and some were pulling in high-quality webinar leads for $1 or sometimes $2! Then, they would go onto sell a $1,000 or $2,000 product and have CRAZY returns.

A lot has changed since then
 The problem? Ad costs have risen significantly and those once profitable webinars have gotten a lot more difficult to run in the green

And after millions of webinars being ran online, people are now catching on to the fact that webinars are a sales mechanism. Our leads are more aware that webinars often come with a “catch”.

But, what’s this all mean for you?

It means that the way we use these short, client-getting events a few years back is not the same way we should use them today.

You see back in the day, you could get away with:

  • Flawed Systems And Processes
 Because leads were so cheap, you could afford to have mistakes in your email sequences. Or you could afford to have a lower show up rate on your classes. You could afford to not be optimized.

  • Uninspired Presentations
 You could whip up something quick and just go with the flow
 And the audience had never really attended “webinars” before, so they didn’t know what to expect.

  • Mediocre Offers
 Again, because the cost of marketing was significantly less than it is today, profit margins were much higher. People could sell a mediocre offer and be ok with having a lower closing rate on their webinars.

Those are just a couple things that could fly then, but now? NO WAY!

If you want to win with webinars and using virtual stages in today’s economy, you MUST have a dialed in machine.

You need to have:

  • Excellent Email Sequences, Text Sequences, ETC
 Remember, your webinar's success heavily relies on what happens before and afterward. Focus on building a killer strategy for getting your leads to show up and stay longer.

  • Engaging Presentations To Keep Your Audience In The Room Longer
 You see everyone knows what a webinars purpose is; most people know webinars are going to present a sale at the end. So it’s your job to create a presentation persuasive enough to help them say yes to your offer.

  • Irresistible Offers
 Crafting an offer that's a no-brainer for your audience can be a game-changer. Bundle value, create urgency, and make sure it's something that addresses their needs head-on.

  • Proper Testing & Optimization In Place
 Take time to split test opt in page designs, headlines, ways you pitch, etc. It’s the tedious stuff that often makes the big difference overtime (especially if you running paid marketing to your funnel).

These are just a few things you need to take into consideration if you want to win with webinars in 2024.

I truly believe that this can be a profitable strategy for you if you take the time to master it.

(The reason I’m so confident because 2 hours before I’m writing this, I helped a client make $25,000 through a webinar!)

So, are webinars dead? Far from it.

They are a dynamic, effective tool for connecting with your audience and driving sales – if done correctly.

You just need to commit to perfecting the mechanism and taking it seriously.

As we jump further into 2024, let's use webinars not just to sell, but to create lasting relationships and build trust with our audience.

Michael Tucker